od Kostěj Nesmrtelný » 23. květen 2019, 9:59
U mě docela dobrý. Na třetí poslech už se mi docela líbí i ty kousky z druhý půlky alba. Akorát Puppe je teda dost slabá - Wiener Blut i Mein Teil byly o dost lepší horror songy. Dost se mi líbí Was Ich Liebe.
I think, if you look on religion, it's essentially something that was built on the basics of how to live your life properly, what you should and shouldn't do in order to expand your life…These are the real meanings of religion, no matter where it was birthed at first place. And then some people took this message on how to live your life harmoniously and with the others, and use it for other ends. This is one of the instances when people should cut off and stay each with his own belief, but understand that All Is One. We are the same, no matter where you come from or where you were raised.